Everyone who writes a blog wants to become well-known in their specific niche industry. But beyond that, they want to find ways to monetize their blog posts, which requires focusing on areas such as affiliate marketing, email campaigns, advertisements, selling e-books and selling products.

None of these ways to monetize your blog posts will work without sticking to the fundamentals of blogging. This means providing quality content, producing content that has value for readers, writing with authority and promoting engagement with readers.

How to Plan a Blog Post

5 Ways To Monetize Your Blog Posts

Once you have those bedrock issues of content marketing locked down, then you can consider some of the following ways to monetize your blog posts.

What is Content Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate MarketingWhy try to do it all yourself? You’ll do much better by establishing an affiliate marketing partnership with bigger sites, especially when you are starting out. Essentially, it works when people who come to your blog click through a link to your affiliate partner. If they make a purchase, you get part of the profit.


The main issue here is to remember that you want display advertisements more than pay-per-click (PPC). PPC is not going to earn you much money unless you have hundreds of thousands of visitors a day. A display ad won’t make you rich, but it will provide some supplemental income that can help you out as you start your blogging business.

Email Marketing

Building an email list is one of the smartest moves you can make. While email is one of the oldest digital marketing tools, it’s also one of the best. The key is to solicit and get people’s emails, building a list of customers who you can later email and market your blog posts. Look into software systems that allow you to easily market your products. Email allows you to build a connection with your customers and is among the best ways to monetize your blog posts.

Selling Products

You ever notice how, for example, fan-written sites for sports teams will include their own T-shirts, mugs, etc. for sale? That’s because selling products directly off the site is a great way to make money. You can do the same with digital content on a blog. You can offer e-books, white papers, videos, guides and other resources. If you don’t charge money for these digital products, you can offer them in exchange for the reader’s email address. Either way, you are working to monetize your blog.


Getting an organization to sponsor your blog is a great way to make money, but it’s not for beginners. In order to get a significant amount to publish sponsored content, you will need to generate high amounts of traffic. Once you reach that goal, however, publishing sponsored content is a reliable way to monetize your blog posts.

These are five of the best ways to monetize your blog posts. Blogging remains a wonderful way to earn money if you provide quality content in a niche with a big enough audience. Just remember to stay positive and consistent. Also, seek advice from digital marketing professionals if you want information on the latest strategies in earning money with a blog.

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